Wraparound is a philosophy of care used to build support networks for young adults and their families. Traditional support models and systems of care typically place “experts” at the helm of youth/young adult services, but the Wraparound method ensures that the young adult’s voice is the driving force of their support plan.


The wraparound planning process is based on the collaborative work of the young adult, their family members, their natural supports and local service providers to create a personal and family plan focused on community-based solutions. 



The Wraparound youth partner is key to ensuring high fidelity within the Wraparound process.  The Wraparound process is consistent, it is always: young adult and family driven, strengths-based, and solution-focused. Our wraparound youth partners help empower young adults to make educated decisions, effectively lead their wraparound team meetings, and advocate for other young adults.



Youth partners also utilize the Achieve My Plan (AMP) method that was developed by RTC in order to ensure that the young adult’s voice is driving their Wraparound plan. They help young people establish and work towards their life assignments, provide one-on-one peer support for youth/young adults navigating youth-serving systems, and above all they aim to amplify youth/young adult voices across multiple systems.


This service is not about blaming young adults and their team for the failures or difficulties that may arise. We believe that young adults do not fail, but sometimes plans fail. If plans aren’t meeting a young adult’s expectations or are inhibiting a wraparound team to make progress, we will reevaluate and make changes so that their plan more accurately fits their needs and goals. 


Q: How much does it cost to be a part of Wraparound?

A: All YMO support services are free of charge for youth/young adults ages 14-25.


 Q: Do I need a referral to receive a Wraparound youth partner?

A: Yes. A parent/guardian and/or the youth/young adult must be enrolled in OHP and in Washington County Wraparound. For more information, Click Here 


Q: What are life assignments?

A: “Life assignments” are short-term and long-term goals youth/young adults set in order to create significant positive personal, community or world change.  to achieve in their life. Life assignments empower youth/young adults to identify strengths and areas for improvement for themselves and their community.