Vicky Scott
Lead Youth Wraparound Support Partner,
Multnomah County
503.662.2931 l [email protected]
522 NE 52nd Ave., Portland, OR 97213
Vicky has lived in other states and other countries but has always called Newberg, Oregon home. Both of her biological parents have serious mental health challenges and her mother struggles with issues related to substance abuse, which resulted in repeated periods of homelessness. On a particularly rough night when Vicky was a teenager, her mother told her to get out, pack her bags and leave. So, she left.
In high school Vicky kept busy with a rigorous academic schedule, countless extra-curricular activities and a full time job. She spent her summers counseling youth at her favorite camp. She never identified as a homeless youth because she slept on a friend’s couch every night. Although Vicky spent the majority of her time volunteering, she spent a large portion of her time using drugs, alcohol, and other unhealthy means to cope with her situation.
Vicky moved to India after high school but later returned home to attend the local university. Throughout college she lived with two incredible families and was “adopted” by several others. She’s grateful for the places she called home and describes those experiences as invaluable to her healing. It was through their hospitality, patience, and care that she learned better, more healthy coping skills and was able to finally see what safety and stability looks like.
During that time Vicky learned that her story has shaped her but it doesn’t define her. She decided to commit her life, her education, and her career to working with youth and young adults.
Vicky is forever grateful for the communities she’s been a part of both past and present. The odds were stacked against her but the insight, wisdom, and encouragement she’s been given and the consistency and persistence of her teachers, mentors, friends, pastors, and employers has helped her to overcome and achieve more than she had ever imagined.
Vicky loves eating peanut butter, watching Netflix, and drinking iced coffee almost as much as she loves hiking, swimming, and dance parties.