One-on-One Peer Support
One-on-one peer support provides young adults with help, advice, guidance, and support from someone who has been where they are. YMO peer support specialists have lived experience in youth-serving systems (Mental Health, Foster Care, Juvenile Justice, etc.) and have been trained to support transition-aged young adults. This model is different from the traditional youth/young adult-service model in that it uses support via lived experiences rather than impersonal support through clinical expertise. Peer support specialist listen, help identify strengths and areas of need, identify supports, suggest resources, and help formulate next steps.
Our peer support specialists have received Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST). ASIST is caregiving practice developed to help support providers recognize risk, intervene to prevent immediate risk of suicide, identify resources, and formulate next steps. The ASIST model is the most widely used and effective suicide intervention method in the world.
who are looking for effective support to come into one of our drop-in centers and meet with a peer support specialist.
Q: How do I know if I am “transition-aged”?
A: “Transition-aged youth/young adult” refers to youth/young adults who are transitioning to adulthood. YMO considers this age bracket to be between the ages of 14 and 25.
Q: What is a peer support specialist?
A: A youth peer support specialist is a youth/young adult peer (age 14-25) with lived experience in mental health, addiction/recovery, incarceration/juvenile justice, Oregon Youth Authority, foster care, education, LGBTQQI2S, etc. Peer support specialists provide peer support services to youth/young adults in community-based settings. They deliver a wide range of services to help youth/young adults gain control over their own lives and create change in their communities. They role model competency in recovery (in mental health, addictions, etc.) and ongoing coping skills.
Q: How much does it cost to receive one-on-one peer support?
A: All YMO support services are free of cost for youth/young adults ages 14-25.
Q: Where can I receive peer support?
A: Our peer support specialists deliver peer support at all of our drop-in locations. Youth/young adults can also receive peer support at other locations (agreed upon by them and their support specialist), via text, Facebook, and/or other platforms.
Q: Who should I contact if I am interested in receiving peer support?
A: You can stop into your local drop, contact your regional director, or call the state office to get connected with a peer support specialist. There are YMO services in: Clackamas County, Jackson County, Lane County, Washington County, Marion and Polk County.